Healthcare News
Hamstring injuries in baseball may be preventable
Hamstring injuries in baseball may be preventable
Lifelong physical activity increases bone density in men
Lifelong physical activity increases bone density in men
Source: Science DailyMen have many reasons to add high-impact and resistance training to their exercise regimens; these reasons include building muscle and shedding fat. Now a researcher has determined another significant benefit to these activities: building bone mass. The study found that individuals who continuously participated in high-impact activities, such as jogging and tennis, during adolescence and young adulthood, had greater hip and lumbar spine bone mineral density than those who did not.
Hip dysplasia: When is surgery required?
Hip dysplasia: When is surgery required?
Source: Medical XpressWhat causes hip dysplasia in adults, and can it be treated without a total hip replacement?.
Treatment of Locked Posterior Shoulder Dislocation With Bone Defect
Treatment of Locked Posterior Shoulder Dislocation With Bone Defect
Source: HealioPosterior shoulder dislocation is rare, and in most cases, it occurs secondary to violent trauma, seizures, or electric shock.1 Approximately 50% of these dislocations are associated with reverse Hill-Sachs lesions.2 Hill and Sachs3 described the lesion in an anterior shoulder dislocation caused by engagement of the humeral head into the glenoid edge and located posterosuperiorly in the head.
ORIF, new casting method showed similar results for unstable ankle fractures
ORIF, new casting method showed similar results for unstable ankle fractures
Source: HealioTreatment of overtly unstable malleolar fractures with close contact casting showed outcomes equivalent to those of open reduction and internal fixation among elderly patients and were associated with a cost reduction in results of a multicenter study presented at the Orthopaedic Trauma Association Annual Meeting, here.
Rates of Complications and Secondary Surgeries After In Situ Cubital Tunnel Release Compared With Ulnar Nerve Transposition: A Retrospective Review
Rates of Complications and Secondary Surgeries After In Situ Cubital Tunnel Release Compared With Ulnar Nerve Transposition: A Retrospective Review
Source: JHSThe short-term complication rates of cubital tunnel surgery are low (3.2%), but higher for patients with chronic kidney disease. The secondary surgery rate after cubital tunnel surgery was 5.7% overall, but higher for patients with prior elbow trauma and for patients undergoing ulnar nerve transposition.
Care of Shoulder Pain in the Overhead Athlete
Care of Shoulder Pain in the Overhead Athlete
Source: HealioShoulder complaints are common in the overhead athlete. Understanding the biomechanics of throwing and swimming requires understanding the importance of maintaining the glenohumeral relationship of the shoulder.
Improvements in ACL surgery may help prevent knee osteoarthritis
Improvements in ACL surgery may help prevent knee osteoarthritis
Source: Medical XpressInjury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee frequently leads to early-onset osteoarthritis, a painful condition that can occur even if the patient has undergone ACL reconstruction to prevent its onset. A new review looks at the ability of two different reconstruction techniques to restore normal knee motion and potentially slow degenerative changes.
Patient-reported results, knee stability improved after all-inside double-bundle ACL reconstruction
Patient-reported results, knee stability improved after all-inside double-bundle ACL reconstruction
Source: HealioInvestigators found significant improvements from preoperative measures at 24.8-month follow-up for both mean side-to-side differences and Lysholm scores in patients who underwent double-bundle ACL reconstruction using a special drill pin guide and reamer, along with a laser-guided device to facilitate a transtibial approach.
Study supports efficacy of closed reduction, percutaneous fixation of crescent-fracture dislocations
Study supports efficacy of closed reduction, percutaneous fixation of crescent-fracture dislocations
Source: HealioRecently published data highlight the safety and efficacy of closed reduction and percutaneous screw fixation for the treatment of crescent fracture-dislocation of the sacroiliac joint and indicate satisfactory function and radiographic outcomes with the procedure.